Hurricane Helene…It’s Been Twelve Days

Greenville, SC, was not hit nearly as hard as many other areas, but Helene still took us by surprise. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would go without power for as long as we did (four days for my family, nine days for many of my friends, some areas of town are […]

Prime Days: My Picks for Around the House/Dorm

I hope you found yesterday’s tech post helpful. That is usually the area of biggest discounts, so take advantage! Most of these “around the house” ideas may not be as splurge worthy as the tech goodies, but they’re definitely useful. Also? This list is super random. I’ll start with possibly the most random of them […]

Amazon Prime Day

I’m definitely not an Amazon expert, but I do use our Prime membership A LOT and I’ve compiled a list of items I’m excited to shop tomorrow and Wednesday. This list is random, but I hope it gives you some ideas. Many of these goodies are Christmas gifts for those of you who, like myself, […]