Cookie Swap 2024

My friend, Casey, and I hosted our annual cookie swap party Sunday. The soiree was at my house this year (we alternate). We started this tradition in 2012 and have only missed once due to Covid. We had sent out invitations and made plans to host the party outside in an effort to keep everyone […]

Annual Cookie Swap and ALL THE PARTIES

Casey and I have been hosting this cookie swap for so long that I’ve lost count. 10th? Covid caused us to cancel one year. Other than that, we never miss. It’s always a delightful afternoon with friends, wine and sweets. It’s the easiest party to host, too, because the guests do most of the leg […]

10th Annual Cookie Swap

This past weekend my dear friend, Casey, cohosted our tenth annual holiday cookie swap with me. Once again, I did a horrible job taking pictures because I was having too much fun chatting, sipping and snacking to even look at my phone. That’s always a sign of a good time, but I regret not taking […]

Cookie Swap 2021

After taking last year off (thanks, Covid), my friend Casey and I were back in action this year. We hosted our annual cookie swap Sunday afternoon and it may have been our best one yet! I think everyone was really eager to socialize after the odd holiday season of 2020. I know I certainly was! […]