Easter Basket Gift Guide (Teens and Tweens)

Happy April! Easter is so late this year, and yet it’s quickly sneaking up on me. If you’re trying to fill baskets for loved ones, I’ve got a few standbys and suggestions to help you out. I tend to treat Easter baskets much like I do a Christmas stocking in that I try to fill […]

Easter Basket Gift Guide

Good morning and happy Saturday!  I spent some time this week curating my kids’ Easter baskets and decided to create my first ever gift guide to share my ideas.  These are all items my kids love and fit the bill for most Easter baskets:  inexpensive and small.  First up, a classic that seems to please […]

Round Up of Random Stuff

I’m working on a fun project and my ideas are all over the place, which is evident in this post.  So, here’s a roundup of some of the stuff running through my head these past few days….First up, I purchased this at Publix the other day and I am obsessed.  This stuff is amazing.  It […]