Exciting News: EmeryBodie is a Mint Retailer!

Thanks to a tip from my friend and fellow monogrammer, Heather at HPea Creations, I reached out to Mint about becoming a retailer several months ago. I’ve been a fan of Mint’s seersucker items for years, but it never dawned on me that I could sell their products. I filled out an application and received […]

Monogram Monday

Popping in with a quick, baby filled, Monogram Monday this week.  I just love these orders:  my favorite bags and sweet little burp cloths.  The one non-baby item this week was a pair of super plush bathrobes for a mom/daughter pair.  I seriously wanted to keep one of these robes for myself.  Now for all […]

Rain, Rain Go Away

I truly do not remember a time when we’ve had this much rain in the southeast.  Everything is soggy and muddy, if not totally underwater.  I am so eager to see some sun and dry out a bit!  Hopefully this weekend.  All of this rain has made for some delightful monogramming weather, so that’s a […]