Travel Tuesday: Grand Haven, MI

This has turned into a bit of a travel blog lately! We just returned from a fun filled week in hubby’s hometown of Grand Haven, Michigan. We all look forward to this trip every year as it’s a chance to unplug, spend time with family, and enjoy cooler weather. Grand Haven delivered on all of […]
Travel Tuesday: Steamboat

Husband had the bright idea to begin our annual ski trip to Steamboat Springs, CO, on Christmas Day, which resulted in a 4:00 AM wake up call. Thankfully, Santa was punctual in delivering gifts to our house. Our 6:30 AM flight didn’t give us a lot of time to open gifts, but we got it […]
Travel Tuesday: Steamboat Springs, CO
We made our annual trek to CO for some skiing last week with hubby’s family and had the best trip ever. The conditions were prime….not too cold, tons of fresh powder, and some sunshine! The kids are all able to ski the entire mountain, carry their own gear and get themselves completely dressed, right down […]
Small Business Saturday
I just wanted to write a brief post commemorating Small Business Saturday….this is new territory for me and I’m happy to report that SBS was a success in my book! I fulfilled a few orders and watched a lot of college football with the fam. Black Friday was also fabulous, but for entirely different reasons. […]
Piney Mountain Bike Lounge
We went to Piney Mountain Bike Lounge not once, but twice, this past weekend. Piney Mountain is a bike shop and taproom with a super fun pump track out back for the kids. Various food trucks are in the parking lot most days. And it’s dog friendly. It’s basically the best possible way to spend […]