Emery is FIFTEEN!

That happened fast. My first born is fifteen years old (June 16th) and I have no idea how we got here so quickly. The days are long, but the years are short. I’ve never felt this more. Emery’s big day fell on Father’s Day, so we had an extra special family celebration with all of […]

A Decade of Bodie

This week is an emotional one for me: my little Peach is double digits. I can’t believe my baby is ten. And Emery turns thirteen this summer. Oy. I am NOT ready for this. Thanks to the extra week of NFL football this season, the Super Bowl fell just two days before Bodie’s birthday. He […]

Emery is TEN!

We celebrated our favorite girl over the weekend with a visit from the hair fairy, lots of Starbucks, cookie cake and friends.  What more could a girl want? Emery’s actual birthday was on Father’s Day, so we celebrated a day early and made it all about Emery.  We love you lots, Emery!  I’m so glad […]