If I Registered for my Wedding in 2024 (part 3)

Happy Wednesday! We’ve made it to linens, towels and other “around the house” gifts that would be a good idea on a wedding registry. You can catch up with table setting/entertaining in part 1 here https://emerybodie.com/if-i-registered-for-my-wedding-in-2024-part-1/ and all the kitchen gadgets in part 2 here I swear I have tried every brand of sheets on […]
If I Registered for my Wedding in 2024 (Part 2)

Yesterday was all things serving and entertaining. Today we’re getting into the nitty gritty of how to make the goodies that go with all of those beautiful plates, flatware, platters and glasses. I’ll start with small kitchen appliances. Since I am focusing on items one would put on a wedding registry, I am going to […]
Monogram Monday: Monogram Etiquette

It’s time for another installment of Monogram Monday! This particular post is one I’ve been meaning to write for ages. Get ready to delve into the often confusing world of monogram etiquette, where rules are meant to be broken. I am guilty of assuming that all of my customers are familiar with monogram etiquette. Having […]
Monogram Monday…way late
I am playing catchup in a major way after being gone most of last week. More on that later! All I will say is that recovering from a trip takes as long as the trip itself. I don’t think I’m ever going to be current on laundry or EmeryBodie orders ever again! Totally worth it, […]
Monogram Monday
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a Monogram Monday post, so this one is kind of a random hodgepodge of orders that I remembered to photograph. Since we still have plenty of summer left here in South Carolina, a few pool towels continue to trickle in. I love these Costco towels. Also, NEW […]