Early Prime Days: UPDATED

Amazon Prime Days 2024 aren’t for two more weeks, but the deals are already happening. I scoured Amazon and read lots of articles about what to shop early and I’ve compiled a list for you. Every year I use Prime Days to kickoff my Christmas shopping. I know that sounds wildly early, but the deals […]

“Oh My God, She’s Insane, She Wrote A Song About Me”

AHHHHHH!!!!!!! They’re finally listed and live! The Taylor Swift and Harry Styles button bags are active in my Shopify store and they are even better than I hoped. This little seed was planted several weeks ago when I spied this Harry Styles design in a Mint Sweet Little Things Instagram story from the Atlanta market. […]

Deep Thoughts on a Saturday

I’ve been super busy lately, but haven’t had a chance to post about it! I’ve been busy with travel, kids, orders and life. Summer has been fast and furious and I can’t believe it’s almost over for those of us in Greenville. Speaking of back to school, I ordered a bunch of white Southern Tide […]

Back to School

We’ve been back in school for several weeks and I am loving being back on a regular schedule again. The last few weeks of summer were a little rough; swim team and vacations were behind us and the lack of structure coupled with boredom resulted in a lot of sibling fighting. I think we all […]

Back to School: Teacher Surcee

Happy Monday! Summer vacation is dwindling down (but not the temps) in many parts of the country and I set aside some time this week to make sure the kids have everything they need for back to school. This includes surcees for teachers. I’m not above a little bribery, especially when I know my children […]

Amazon Prime Day

I’m definitely not an Amazon expert, but I do use our Prime membership A LOT and I’ve compiled a list of items I’m excited to shop tomorrow and Wednesday. This list is random, but I hope it gives you some ideas. Many of these goodies are Christmas gifts for those of you who, like myself, […]