Monogram Monday
I am so thankful to not be experiencing my usual January slump. Although I’m not nearly as crazy as I was during the Christmas season, I’m consistently getting orders and I’m enjoying the slower pace while still being productive. This shirt and bib was for a little man’s first birthday party. Almost every Clemson grad […]
Final Post of the Year
This is going to be a long one and it’s a mix of EmeryBodie orders and a few personal anecdotes. I didn’t take any pictures of our family’s Christmas celebrations, but a good time was had by all and we are beyond blessed. Also, I would like to add that we are in the midst […]
Family Photos and Our Weekend
Several weeks ago my family and I had the privilege of being photographed by the super talented Deven Stapleton. The photo was fifteen minutes and took place in downtown Greer. Deven was so much fun and made this process quick and painless for the non-photo people in my group (Ben and Bodie). I can’t resist […]
Scenes Around Our House
If you haven’t guessed by now, my family is obsessed with our pets. Crazy obsessed. We love our fur babies so much and they love us right back. Bodie and Gipper seem to have an extra special relationship, while Emery gravitates more toward our big gray cat, Hunter. Here’s how you’ll find them after school […]
Celebrating my dad’s 70th in Atlanta
I’m writing this post on my phone while sitting in the county courthouse because I have jury duty this week.  Eek!  So, I apologize for any goofs or typos.  This is the first time I’ve ever had jury duty and, so far, it’s exactly what I expected.  Lots of waiting, but interesting people to watch. […]
Back to School!
We’ve been back in school for a few days now and I’m loving the routine. Our schedules are a bit more chaotic this year since Emery is in a new school, which means two morning drop offs and an afternoon mad dash to pick Emery up before Bodie’s bus delivers him to our driveway, but […]